Monday, February 28, 2011

How Does It Cost To Go To Putty Hill Skateland

The Showcase MissHobby - 2

A beautiful bracelet from the collection of Tiny Dreams Clouds Sugar
the same line are also necklace and earrings in different colors! Adorable!
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perfect in detail and perhaps if they were excellent as true! For a lunch of sandwiches so I would always perfect! Find them on Fimolandia Paola Berti ... enjoy! :) ----------------------------------------------

This soft teddy bear is made available in amirigumi Store Kikkabea
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A nice Phonestrap with cov golossissimo you find it Pigrina 's shop along with many other cute creations:)

Marshall County Ky Court

From the NEWS section and GLAM: The GIGN Black - FIRE IN ROOM.

Finally in Italian theaters, "The Black Swan"
A breath of fresh air after months of Checco Zalone , and any other beast of banality and low added value, but like it this way 'so to Italian Middle
Chapot Darren Aronosfsky, the film is absolutely the height of the long waiting chiecchierata that hovers around Venice its creation.
undisputed queen of the stage to reality, Natalie Portman, in my opinion already on the red carpet at Oscar night, superb interpretazone ...
The film takes absolutely nailed to the chair, without a moment's distraction.
It relives the history of apnea in "Black Swan" masterpiece from the tragic end, launched into a fast and tricky emotional vortex that mixes white and black, good and evil chasing perfection .. now ill Lights pictures, sounds, Locations antithesis of play, drawing the details of a pure heart, more and more contaminated and corrupted by irresistible human perversions. A one-way trip to evil, a quick escalation in which the spirits are more turbid and blacks to tread the stage, and then explode in the final act in which the evil dance with all its strength and its charm taking over the stage. The white swan finally touches the much sought perfection and agony before disappearing beneath the din of applause.

And you .. White Swan or Black Swan? . Good Vision

Claudio Nicastro

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sweetheart Dress Earrings

Pearls polymer clay similar to Lapis

Today I show you an experiment before Christmas, inspired by some wonderful tutorial I found on the web. In this case, the tutorial was to create the pearl-like lapis lazuli ( tutorial in English, click here ), I must say I am quite satisfied, although the end result is not exactly similar. The "ingredients" of this mess are important to various shades of blue (ottenunte lightening with white polymer clay) and fimo semi-transparent. In addition there is a hint of gold leaf, very difficult to handle when it sticks in your hands! What do you think?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Do U Make A Heart On Oovoo

CL064 To complete my Email

CL063 parure gorgeous heart pendant matched with fuchsia

Vietnamese Movies For Sale

BR110 OR159 OR159

What Happens In A Gay Bathhouse?

Dark indigo and light colorado topaz

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Christina Aguileraboobs Bigger

When the urge to create takes me ...

A few days since the last exam, although I still feel like a pale shakes, I was struck by yet another jolt of inspiration. Sure enough the word Swarovski shines in which lobe of my brain. Well, in two rounds I bought a heavy dose of beads and cones that according to my plans will be used to complete a series of bracelets and necklaces left over last year. You can search say that I have recovered well from Monday I assembled as many as 3 bracelets and a necklace, plus I removed promptly botched a few ideas that I now find myself in your hands waiting for an idea. I often, after one year, removing the poor creatures. E 'due to a phase when I shorten that pearls can give the best in other ways ... and then we consider that until a few years ago I had a "style" and I let myself be seduced by my first capacity. Now I want to give even more! PS I recently renewed
(And once again, for your non-joy) the graphics of the site, trying to reach an optimal level of pleasantness .. I'm succeeding? I always forget that I could apply what they study and what I like instead! : D

Monday, February 21, 2011

Whats A Good Household Lubricante

A new video on YouTube! The showcase of

Given the discrete "success" of the first video (of course I speak of the questions and compliments), I decided to repeat this time with a presentation devoted to the brightest jewels, some of which are still on my shop. I hope they have as much success, although it understands that the polymer clay is the most popular.

How Many Gb Should A Laptop Have?

MissHobby - 1

Dia de los Muertos earrings

Day of the Dead in Mexico is alive with color and charm. The earrings are just as these very, very unusual, yet captivating. Find them in the shop but fleur

the necklace PIZZA SALAMI Fimo Cernit

A delicious pizza that one would like to try on how well done (... and who do not look at my strict diet! heheh). You can find it in store sleepingdogstore


This ghost dog named Zero, is one of the characters the wonderful animated film "Nightmare Before Christmas" by Tim Burton. This was made perfectly Karmen and is in his shop Piccolisogni

Earrings Eat Me

A very nice pair of earrings made from Coccistella and available in his store COCCISTELLA

Offensive Lineman Cleats

Ice pop Charm - hazelnuts

Before starting with the showcase of today MissHobby I show (with waaay late) one of my purchases last year and has rightly given priority:)
What you see in the picture is the delicious ice cream made from polymer clay Simplystella that ... goodness! I bought two that I wear as earrings, attracting many curious glances ... and hungry!

The shop is on Simplystella MissHobby -> Think Pastel

Friday, February 18, 2011

List Of The 151 Pokemon


Lupus Coagulant Normal Level In Blood

"The window of MissHobby" - I had participated!

For some ' time is going anywhere interesting initiative between creative " The showcase of MissHobby , sponsored initially by Christmas LetteraPsy , aimed to know and for promotion of each other. I would also kick off a weekly event in which scelglierò a number of items to present and advise:)
soon publish the first series!

For all those who wish to participate, leave the link "start" of this wonderful initiative on Magicafrancy Blog - SHOWCASE OF Misshobby
For reminder, however, found the information below:

1) Copy and paste the following code on our blog html to insert the banner on the initiative and report, so your participation:
2) publish one or more articles on our blog, perhaps weekly, with a series of creations that we think would be perfect as gifts or that they deserve for their beauty and talent! The choice is free!
3) FUNDAMENTAL : When we report the photo we always put the link to their listing page on MissHobby , specifying the name of the artist . Then would be courteous, as pointed out LetteraPsy I tell the artist about the quote in our blog.
4) We agree with the initiative freely (even through Facebook for example), it is important to be enrolled in MissHobby to participate!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Baby And Puppy Quotations

OR043 In a rainy day, it takes a bit 'of Sun Drops Indocolite

Free Mount And Blade Steam

Anyone With Cervical Spondyliosis

OR027 OR035 OR084 Stelline

Examples Of Community Service Of Completion

Clusters of red currant

Bruising For No Reason On Palms

OR092 Virginia indian sapphire satin

Ruger 10/22 White Bullpup

AN036 AN032

How To Make Somebody Fall Asleep

Sunday, February 6, 2011

.50 Desert Eagle Blank

Citysumers ", the era of the urban consumer to the conquest of the city

rich in contacts and opportunities, cities act as a magnet, attracting continuous streams of talent and innovation: Tokyo and New York, for example, have a GDP comparable to that of Canada or Spain. The new challenge in consumption will come from large urban citizens: by 2050 the urban population will be 70% of the total. If the business will grow, be prepared to meet that demand. Indian cities could generate 70% of new jobs by 2030, the economy of Shanghai accounts for 13% of Chinese gross domestic product, housing less than 2% of the population of the Asian country.

The city as a land of consumer culture - Observatory says Trendwatching as is currently the "urban culture is the culture," then, you can not escape from the city: new trends are born and develop in the urban area, where the new consumers, called "Citysumers" (city + consumer) continually seek new channels, new connections, with a continuing desire to experiment and to embark on new experiences. The result of this dynamism is reflected in the emergence of urban middle class, about 2 billion people, potentially ready to spend 6.9 trillion dollars a year. One example is the Chinese community in a short time has grown from a mentality of "survival", which spent only for the narrow necessary, such an attitude as possible: 54% of Chinese are now willing to have a way of life richer and more diversified. "Today the city is again becoming places of production of new trends, to declare sociologist Francesco Morace, with its emphasis on the urban dimension as a laboratory for new ideas. The city of tip? "Surely Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Cape Town, Sydney and Melbourne in Australia, Mumbai and Bangalore India's Silicon Valley where there is a producer of engineers and programmers with more than 10 million inhabitants." In short, all open-air laboratories are complemented by those who for years have been the capital of fashion and design, such as London, Paris, Tokyo. The news is that most other towns on the outskirts of the world are at center stage: "St. Paul, said Morace, is today the most interesting city in the world, the most lively and creative, advertising design, with a rapidly developing market , enthusiasm and demographically a very young population in a country that has not experienced the first modernization of the '60s and '70s that has characterized the West European countries, the U.S. and Japan. A third phase of modernity today involves the emerging economies, and the so-called BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) even if today Russia is a bit 'in your pain. "

citizens are proud and always on. Here are Citysumers - "The Urban Culture is definitely a macrotrend that sees the city as a catalyst in the planet's energy and at the same time centers of gravity of services and locations, tells Elena Marinoni, Managing Director of 'Research Institute on consumption GPF. But who are these new consumers? "In terms of behavior, precise Marinoni, are a people of prevailing urban pride, or pride in being citizens of a city, with more spending power high and a higher degree of information than in other areas. Second, citizens are active, interested in exploiting the various opportunities to live the urban context and finally, very important feature, are always connected, always on, through smartphone, iPhone, iPad. " An average young people, connected and curious, twenty-five - thirty to forty years living the city as if they were websites, "but not only adds Morace, a generation is very involved, which also includes the senior class and social changes, by virtue of the technological revolution that has now produced a major democratization of consumption. All now have mobile phones, from the boys immigrants. We live and then an extension privilege that was previously reserved for the wealthy. " The network becomes the third arm to exploit the possibilities of the city and vice versa. "In some cities, Morace said, it is as if there were doors to enter the virtual web. In Sao Paulo, for example, the wifi is very extensive, there are shops where you can collect with your phone information. In Australia there are paths which if seen in a particular monument is told his whole story. It 's a double entry table, the city will introduce the world of web and the web allows you to experience the city in a new way. " What Google Earth through applications that allow you to navigate the city and other places felt before: the encounter between the real and the virtual. The more a city is bigger, has lots of neighborhoods and stimuli, the more it lends itself to this sort of treasure hunt that mimics the activity on the web.

Eco - urban, the frontier of successful brands - These concentrations of activity and consumption are therefore the key to modern trends, and as such, can only highlight one of the many opportunities of our time: "Go Eco-Urban, "the trend is making the city become places of sustainable development and eco-innovation. "Many brands now develop products specifically for these so-called second citysumers marketing strategies that are to decline so dedicated to certain audiences with precise characteristics, "says Marion. The social dimension is certainly crucial in terms of consumption. Social networks are experienced both online and offline. "The most striking example, continues Marinoni, is celebrating the success of Foursquare hotspots of the city and today is undoubtedly the most popular social network able to tell whether this phenomenon by flows of people moving, make the check- in certain places in a playful very strong which helps to network people who do not know but who attend the same places in the city. " For many urban consumers in fact phenomena are mediated network, another example is the crowd-buying in the city and "the most emblematic case history is certainly adding, Marinoni, the phenomenon Groupon CityDeal", a place where we publish a daily "business" you can do in the city and through forms of associations of consumers can achieve a much lower price for services that usually have standards of luxury. These are dynamics that are discovering little-known city services, creating opportunities for super price from 60% up, linked to welfare, food and non-standard training courses. So, again, chances are that post about being citizens. "The vast majority of brands, states Morace, you are still moving in that size, depending on the commodity sector. " The car world has been working on the city car and forms of sustainability linked to living in cities with more attention to materials. Then there are companies in the retail world, such as Muji, which gives space-time dimension to urban consumption. Tucano Urbano in Italy is another example of a brand that was created and developed the idea of \u200b\u200bwho moves into town and then offers practical accessories for motorcycles. "All the world of sports, said the sociologist, from Nike to Adidas pays increasing attention to the sport practiced in urban cities and therefore is to change the style on these tracks and their communication. "

In our country everything orbiting in Milan and Rome, where certainly focused people who want to enjoy the city with various services, but in the future, warns Marinoni, this phenomenon will spread to other Italian cities as well as the great capitals. "Of course, keep Marinoni, so far, following the successful example of regional marketing implemented by New York, Milan has exploited the potential of the urban context during the week of the Salone del Mobile in which he has been able to communicate, through a 'process of branding, as design capital of the world, developing their own merchandising. " In general level of marketing and communications, all strategies of guerrilla marketing and unconventional take advantage of the trend of urban culture. A global brand like Starbucks has used (placing glasses of coffee on the taxi, thanks to a magnet) to this type of communication that relies on situations that occur in the city. The same applies to the temporary store retail strategies that create situations of special events as if they were shopping and this fulfills the desire to be continually caught in the city. "In terms of brand, claims Marinoni, are the multinational that has developed this attention to local markets as more global brands are more are required to resolve the negative aura of standardization that is around them. " From Nike, Prada, for example, has made grants written with Capri, to the same McDonald's, brands are learning to modulate their products on the basis of citizens with whom they speak. In conclusion, new languages \u200b\u200band aesthetic reality are characterizing the Italian market, just think of the growing community developed around the cycling enthusiasts in the city, as well as the growing community around the skateboard until you get to parkour. What do you suggest to the marketing men? "Analyzing the phenomenon, absorbed aspects of the imagery associated with a certain kind of experience cultural, but be careful to contextualize everything, "warns Morace.
allestimento salone del mobile 1
picture of Salone del Mobile in Milan
The trend in Italy -