Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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E 'out the edition 2.2 of the "Grammar and Semantics Xomese-Italian"

Yesterday, 8 November 2010, was released "world premiere" (note: some would say commercial) publishing 2.2 "Grammar and Semantics Xomese-Italian." It will be the latest version (at least in the phonology and morphology) and is around the 4th (the outputs are already 1.0 [July 23, 2009], the 2.0 [April 28, 2010] and 2.1 [29 May 2010]). As version 2.1 is not much separates the edition 2.0. Like the two mentioned above and how PMEG Esperanto lacks some syntactic proper, because the syntax is integrated and, in some sense, can be deduced from morphology. It is obviously very
PMEG shortest (88 pages compared to more than 700 of PMEG) and applies to this grammar the principle that "what is not expressly prohibited or clearly not inconsistent with the requirements of [grammar] is allowed".
The grammar in question can be found and downloaded for free at:
1) http://it.xomeze.org
2) http://mikelogulhi.weebly.com/xomese.html
3) http : / / stores.lulu.com / mikel


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