Saturday, April 3, 2010

Build A Pitbull Swing

Lammari (LU)

LAMMARI (LU), March 28, 2010 - With improper delay (many have written for the late update of our website - in particular by Cristina R. Foroni PT), tell the race "to include Redole Lanmmari ", held last Sunday in Lammari (LU). The lenses are few and are presented in two parts: Ilaria and David. Ilaria started with the express purpose of making the distance of 6 km, while David was undecided whether to make 13 or even 20 km: after a couple of miles, though, as the imperfect physical conizioni, David has re-thought and Ilaria expected to continue on the path with her 6 km (at a slow pace and quiet). The departure and arrival were the Lower Island Lakes (See photo), the course was totally flat and without any difficulty.


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